European Union Information

Go to Brand. Industry promotion program Fashion Poland 

Raspberry Republic S.C implements projects co-financed from European Funds:

Contract: POIR.03.03.03-14-0071/18

Project title: Development of export potential of Raspberry Republic
Project goal: Increased recognition and competitiveness of the Raspberry Republic brand through internationalizing of its business
Anticipated effects: Signing of foreign commercial contracts, increase in revenue from the sale of products for export, increase in revenue from the sale of products being the subject of the project.
Program: Priority axis 3: Support for innovation in enterprises. Measure 3.3: Support for promotion and internationalisation of innovative enterprises. Sub-measure 3.3.3: Support for SMEs in the promotion of Polish product brands – Go to Brand.
Total project value: 341 600.00 PLN 
Co-financing of the EU project: 273 280.00 PLN 

Contract: POIR.03.03.03-14-0019/21

Project title: Development of the Raspberry Republic brand in the countries of the Persian Gulf
Project goal: Increased recognition and competitiveness of the Raspberry Republic brand in the Persian Gulf area in relation with the EXPO 2020 exhibition in Dubai and the promotion of MPG, the Brand of the Polish Commerce.
Anticipated effects: Signing of foreign commercial contracts, increase in revenue from the sale of products for export, increase in revenue from the sale of products being the subject of the project. 
Program: Priority axis 3: Support for innovation in enterprises. Measure 3.3: Support for promotion and internationalisation of innovative enterprises. Sub-measure 3.3.3: Support for SMEs in the promotion of Polish product brands – Go to Brand EXPO 2020.
Total project value: 121 100.00 PLN 
Co-financing of the EU project: 96 880.00 PLN